Today's post is extremely monochromatic. If any of you have a phobia of the color orange, I'd stop now and go catch up on the latest episode of whatever TV show happens to be your guilty pleasure (I have about 7 myself). 
I knew my last post's creation would create a plethora of 'worthless' orange peels as well as yielding their fruit, so my mind started thinking of ways that would result in less waste. Or, less compost for my friends' cute little worms. 

In the end I decided to go with candied orange peel since I couldn't think of anything else and really, what else is there to do with orange peel? I started by filleting most of the excess pith off the peel and then thinly slicing them. I then boiled them twice, rinsing in cold water after each boil, as per Giada's instructions
After the second quick boil and rinse I again put them into boiling water, this time with added sugar. I don't think I compensated for the extra water I put in to cover the peels and ended up with not enough sugar. My peels didn't really ever dry, even after a couple of stints in an hot air blasted oven. 
Right after I pulled them out of the sugar water mixture, about 15 minutes, I sprinkled with a little more sugar and waited. Meanwhile, I kept the sugar water on the stove and reduced it. I simmered it down to a little more than a 1/4 of its original volume. The final product is slightly bitter thanks to the peels but retained the nice orange flavour. It has a nice caramel flavour to it as well, a perfect accompanying dark note. 
I'm excited to try it out the next time I feel moved to make pancakes. But don't let its name restrict you! It would also be good over ice cream, as a flavoring for coffee (Orange Mocha Frappuccino's anyone?), or even spooned over cereal in place of honey. 


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