Let's get this blog underway. Although eventually (a.k.a. when I buy a new lens for my camera) I hope to be posting original recipes and deliciously digital pictures of my food creations, I am going to start with something entirely unoriginal. 
I live in the North East and despite this year's unseasonably warm days, the sun still sets early and my house still gets cold. My little work space is in an uncarpeted room with three gorgeous bay windows which let in a hellish amount of cold air. Needless to say, I often find myself craving a hot beverage. And, although I looove coffee, sometimes I don't want to take the time to grind my beans or walk to the nearest local shop. And, although I looove tea, sometimes I want a drink with a little more heft to it. That's when I turn to my new favourite find, Trader Joe's Spicy Chai Latte.
This delicious blend of (pause to read ingredient list) sugar, creamer, tea and spices is now a fall and winter must-have in my house. One of my housemates steals mugfuls (it's a word, look it up) yet I refuse to hide it. I will admit, it does have a tendency to leave a slight residue at the bottom of my treasured drinking vessels, but I am telling you, it is worth the risk. 

*This post was in no way sponsored by Trader Joe's

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